Thursday, January 14, 2021

6 New Year Resolutions For A Cleaner House

house-cleaning-300x200.jpgDoes having a cleaner home part of your list of New Year’s resolutions? Good for you. Don’t worry. Having a house cleaning routine won’t consume much of your time. Even if you don’t like sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming your floor, there are ways to do it right and fast. There several house cleaning Myrtle Beach tips for every room in your home. These techniques will help you get the job done fast. Here are a few things you need to know so you’ll have a cleaner home in 2021.

Let Your Family Help With Home Cleaning

Get your loved ones to help you clean the house. Even your kids can do something. It can be a simple as putting their toys back or putting plates and cups on the kitchen counter after eating. Well, having kids to help clean the house can be difficult. How much help they can give you will depend on their age. For pre-schoolers, you can ask them to put away their toys and dishes. For grade school, you can ask them to make their beds, wipe spills, and clear the table after every meal. For teenagers, you can ask them to clean their rooms, vacuum, dust, and help clean the kitchen. The remaining tasks should be equally divided with the adults in the house. Daily Tasks for a Cleaner Home There are daily house cleaning Myrtle Beach chores that can fit into your schedule no matter how busy you are. If there’s one habit that you need to develop, it’s to learn how to clean as you go. A well maintained and clean house runs smoothly and needs fewer visits from a cleaning service provider. If you learn to spread out your cleaning chores every day, you don’t have to spend your entire weekend cleaning your house.

Weekly House Cleaning Chores

Unless you have a self cleaning home, you need to do some weekly household chores. These include vacuuming carpets every week, dusting, and leaning the toilet. Clean your shower and tub and remove soapy buildup using a sink, tub, and tile cleaner. Let it sit for several minutes and before wiping them using paper towels. Monthly House Cleaning Chores Every month, spend at least an hour to do your monthly cleaning routines. Disinfect your trash cans in the bathroom and kitchen using a solution that’s made of ¾ cup bleach to one gallon of water. Don’t forget to rinse the solution with water and dry it with paper towels. You should also clean your refrigerator at least once a month. Remove the shelves and clean each and every one of them using a dishwashing liquid. Seasonal Cleanings You should also have a cleaning routine for every season. This may include washing the windows and sills, cleaning the fridge door gaskets, and your storage room. Semi Annual and Annual House Cleaning Your semi annual cleaning chores should include cleaning the blinds, turning the mattresses, and cleaning upholstery and carpets. For your annual cleaning tasks, you should clean your doormats, vacuum ducts, and ceiling fixtures.

Call Cleaning Services Myrtle Beach now if you want a professional to thoroughly clean your house.

Cleaning Services Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-492-6278

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